For Georgina Aguirre, who lives in the block opposite the Grenfell Tower, the sight of the building from her balcony is a daily reminder of potential danger.

A former resident of Grenfell itself she moved five years before the fire in 2017, which was the most deadly event in Britain since the Second World War, and killed 72 of her neighbours.

She knew many of the families who died in the fire, having lived next to them for years and watched her children play with theirs.

Living alone on the top floor, with a set of health conditions that affect her ability to leave the flat quickly, she's scared of what might happen if history is repeated.

"I've been desperate to leave here for a long time," she told My London.

"I'm scared the place might burn down."

Georgina has good reason to be fearful, since the Grenfell tragedy four years ago there have been three fires in her building.

The last incident saw the stairwells fill with smoke, she came down the stairs with a neighbouring family coughing and panicking.

"I couldn't breathe, the children from next door couldn't breathe

"I came down the stairs with so much anxiety."

'They were my neighbours and I watched them die'

Today (June 14) marks four years since a fire ripped through the West London tower block and for Georgina, the impact of that disaster are all too present.

She's had her front door changed twice, on the advice of London Fire Brigade, and is aware of other areas in the house that are not fire resistant.

The council has not completed all the work she believes needs to be done and it scares her.

Especially when she looks across at the tower and recalls what happened to her former neighbours.

"I don't want the same experience as them," she added.

"They were my neighbours and I watched them die."

In response to Georgina's comments, a Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council spokesman said it was committed to "achieving the highest standard of fire safety for all our residents" and had "completed significant upgrades" to the building.

"We have written to all residents to identify anyone who might need help in the event of an emergency, and their details can be accessed by the fire brigade if needed," they added.

"We also have a team of officers visiting each property to check on residents' welfare, inspect doors and test smoke and fire alarms."

'I try not to think about it'

People who live near Grenfell say they haven't "recovered from the trauma" of what happened (Credit: Humphrey Nemar)

People who live near Grenfell say they haven't "recovered from the trauma" of what happened (Credit: Humphrey Nemar)

*not her real name

Sat in a cafe under the Westway flyover a short walk from Grenfell is Sasha*.

A resident of one of the blocks located under the tower she was right next to the fire when it took place.

Sasha looked out her window that day and saw someone waving for help, a person she later found out died.

"I try not to think about it, to be honest," said Sasha when asked if this time of the year brings back memories.

"I haven't had anyone directly affected in my life, but for other people I really sympathise with them because their hearts are broken."

"I don't think people have recovered because some people have really, really been through a lot of trauma.

'It just brings back really dark memories'

Sasha, who preferred not to be identified, recalled in vivid detail the events of that day as soon as we sat down to speak.

It was a pattern repeated with many of the interactions My London had with residents of the area.

People would say they "didn't talk about it any more" followed by a detailed description of their experiences of the fire.

Living in the shadow of a huge reminder of their trauma is clearly difficult.

Sasha avoids going to the gym located under the tower because it's just too painful.

"I don't really want to go there. It just brings back really dark memories. So I prefer to go to the other side where there's another gym."

"To be honest, if I had a chance I would move out of this area, just because of what happened and because I live right next to where they have the memorial site."

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Many have moved out in the years since the blaze and others leave the area around the time of the anniversary, because it's too much to handle.

But avoiding the tower altogether is almost impossible.

Wrapped in the white protective sheets with the big green heart at the top it dominates the skyline for miles around.

Last month the government said it was considering demolishing it which prompted an angry response from some relatives of the victims.

"A tragedy has taken place that must never be forgotten at this location. If they take it down they will obliterate that memory and they would be putting people through another unimaginable trauma," Hisam Choucair, who lost six members of his family in the fire, told the Guardian .

For other people, though, seeing the tower everyday is a trigger for the horrors of that day.

"I think they should take it down, because it's dark memories," said Sasha

She is also against the idea to change the name of the local Tube station from Latimer Road to Grenfell, a plan that was considered by Transport for London a few years back.

"Maybe make a little memorial ground or something close by so the people who suffered can sit, reflect on things and calm their mind. But don't change the station name just because of a fire."

"People will always remember it, even in 10 years."

Impact of lockdown

Reverend Mike Long has been limited in the support he is able to offer his congregation (Credit: Humphrey Nemar)

Reverend Mike Long has been limited in the support he is able to offer his congregation (Credit: Humphrey Nemar)

One thing which has done little to help healing from the fire has been the coronavirus lockdown.

People like Georgina who were anxious about the safety of their home have been trapped there to an even greater extent because of COVID-19.

Like many people the restrictions intensified Georgina's existing concerns.

The lockdown also had an impact on the local communities ability to heal, not only by slowing the glacial progress of the inquiry, but also by stopping people coming together to support each other.

As well as making last year's anniversary commemorations more muted, the COVID-19 restrictions have limited community activities.

Local Reverend Mike Long has been more limited in the support he is able to offer his congregation.

Notting Hill Methodist Church is one of several places of worship right next to the tower and has been a sanctuary for those affected by the fire since it happened.

But COVID-19 meant the church was unavailable to the community.

Rev. Long described the lockdown as putting "everything on hold."

"I think being on hold is okay, if you're in a reasonable place. If you're not in a good place that is profoundly hard.

"The pandemic has been hard for everybody, but not in the same way.

"[For] people living in overcrowded accommodation or suffering with trauma it's immensely worse to be in that position."

'We just want justice'

A resident from a block right under the tower told My London:

A resident from a block right under the tower told My London: "People want justice" (Credit: Humphrey Nemar)

The other huge obstacle preventing the community from even starting to draw a line under the tragedy is the slow progress made by the judicial inquiry set up by the government to hold people to account.

Many of the people My London spoke to felt completely alienated by the slow, convoluted and overly technical way in which it was progressing.

Four years on, after hundreds of hours of testimony and thousands of pages of evidence, there is still a distinct lack of clarity as to who is responsible for the terrible fire which took so many lives.

"It is taking far too long from an emotional point of view. I'm not making a comment on the speed of the justice system, everybody I know wants it done properly and thoroughly," continued Rev. Long

"They want everything to be investigated and recognise that that will take time, but on an emotional level this is far too long to get the kind answers people desperately need."

Even once the inquiry has concluded, Rev. Long accepts that it will not be the end.

"It's a part of the coping process, [but] whatever the inquiry decides in the end won't solve [the questions people have].

"It's also about having your story heard and being acknowledged. Months and months of technical detail, important though they are, is not quite the same.

"I can understand why lots of people find this is hard to bear and find it very draining."

Justice for tragedies like Grenfell is rarely ever swift or satisfactory. As demonstrated by the continued battle faced by families of the victims of the Hillsborough disaster, in which 96 Liverpool supporters died, to hold anyone to account, which continues over 30 years since the event.

As one resident from a block right under the tower told My London: "People want justice"

When asked whether that meant people going to prison or fines he answer was simple: "We just want something."

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